
Diary of an Ugly Girl - Chapter 1 Part 2

 I got startled when he got close to me and slid my hair, that was covering my face, to the back of my ear, my hair became messy when we were running. 

"You know, smiling suits you."

Suddenly surprised by what he said, I pushed him and he started laughing. 

"Weird, usually girls blush but you're pushing me. Are you a savage?"

"Psh! Where's your car? Let's go, I want to go home." 

I said while scratching my head, not being able to look at him. I heard him laughing and he grabbed and pulled me towards where he parked his car. He likes holding hands ha! When we arrived where his car was, I learned that he's 19 years old and this car was a gift from his parents for his 18th birthday. He got his driver's license as soon as he turned 18. He's actually rich!

Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer

"This is my favourite song!" 

I quickly covered my mouth because I suddenly shouted when the radio started playing "Rocketeer" by Far East Movement. He just chuckled,

"You're really a funny girl!"

"Yeah, I am part clown."

I really feel embarrassed for myself so I just looked outside the window.

Let's fly... Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly... Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows, knows♫

"But really, thanks for the company. I was really down earlier but you made me feel better. Thank you, Peppy." 

He suddenly said in the quietness that was surrounding us, I didn't answer but while I was looking at the road, I found myself smiling and my hear beating faster.

When we arrived at the front of my apartment, I gave him my thanks and said goodbye. I went inside my apartment when I saw his car leaving. When I arrived at my door, I saw a notice posted on it.


The first words were even in capslock and bolded! I quickly removed the posted paper on my door and brought it near my face so that I could read it. It says that they are demolishing the building of the apartment because of how old it was so that accidents could be avoided. It also says that they're requesting people that are renting this apartment to leave and that we don't need to pay for this month's rent. Not paying for the rent this month was great but where am I going to live now? This is the cheapest apartment in Manila! Waaa!

2 days later...


I think this is my 15th time yawning, I feel like a zombie, and I haven't slept yet. Because after I received the notice for the apartment, I started packing my stuff the next day and because I didn't have anywhere else to go, I went to my Auntie and begged for them to let me stay for a while.

"Auntie, please. I'll do double time at the restaurant, just give me a place to stay."

"Eya, you're overindulging already ah. I already adopted you when you were a kid and even gave you a part time job."

"Please Auntie, this is my last request. They're demolishing the apartment that I was renting, I don't have anywhere else to stay. Please let me stay for a bit until I find a cheap apartment."

"Okay, okay. But you're only allowed in here for two weeks. After that, get out."

"Thank you, Auntieee!"

I hugged Auntie in my happiness, making her push me away.

"Go straight to the guest room and stay there for a while. Only for a week."

Auntie left after that. Sus! Auntie is just being shy, she still has a heart. Even if it's just 1/4.

And that's that, I have a place to stay for a week but, of course, I still need to find a cheap apartment quickly. Actually, I'm currently walking at the school ground at lunch time while holding a paper that lists apartments for rent. I've been looking for one since last night but I still couldn't find any.

"This one would have been fine but it's too far, the fare will kill me, nope."

I saw a really cheap apartment when I looked at the apartments for rent leaflet but the fare would be really expensive with how far it is from Willford Academy

"Uwaaa! Let's go to the gym, they said Prince Cross is there!"

"Come on, faster! Ooops! Ouch, stop blocking the way!"

While walking, my shoulder was suddenly hit and I nearly lost my balance. When I looked for who hit me, I saw a girl with her friend. She just glanced at me and continued pulling her friend.

"Faster girl, Prince Cross might have left already!"

"Omg! He's really so handsome, isn't he? I'm going to marry him someday!"

"No stupid! He's going to marry me!"

"No, me!"

"Argh.... he's going to marry a horse so you two should shut up,"

I grumbled to myself when they're far enough. They didn't even apologize for hitting me, as expected of people from Willford Academy. They have a lot of money but they don't have any manners. This school that I'm going to is a very expensive school so only rich people can afford to enroll at this school but they still have some poor students that go here, like myself. It's either you're a scholar at academics or sports. In my case, I'm a scholar at academics. I was a valedictorian at the public high school I was studying at and the president of the school offered me a scholarship for Willford Academy. I can still maintain my scholarship and I'm already about to graduate this year. Just a little bit more and I can say goodbye to the people here at Willford, they're both rich and arrogant here. I don't have any friends in here and I try my very best to be invisible in this school to graduate in peace.

But sometimes I can't avoid being glared at by other students in here, specially the self-important girls like them. Because unlike them, I'm ugly. My face and skin aren't smooth, my hair isn't straight and shiny and I'm not a model material like them! Actually, I can still remember my first day here, when I introduced myself at the front of the class.

"Hi. I'm Reah Rodriguez, Eya for short. That's all." I finished introducing myself and was about to leave when someone asked,

"Excuse me."

I stopped walking and looked at the girl that talked with a loathe on her face.

"Why are you so ugly?"

"Because you're beautiful."

I smiled at her and went back to my seat. I already expected for them to call me ugly at the start. But what a behaviour huh? They don't care if they offend someone, the students in here at Willford are too snobbish so I prefer to be invisible. I just need to graduate and I can say goodbye to them!


I shook my head and continued walking while looking at the apartments at the leaflet I'm holding.

"Just ignore them Eya."


"Why are apartments so expensive nowadays..."


Ball? I heard someone shouting while I was walking at the school grounds at the side of the soccer field and looked at the direction from where the shouting was coming from. But instead of seeing people, I saw a ball going towards me! I was already lying down on the grass before I could even react or avoid it and felt like I'm starting to see stars going around my head.

"Miss, are you okay?"

The ball must have hit my face pretty hard because it sounds like I can hear Chad's voice but I couldn't see who is infront of me, my vision was still pretty blurred and my head is hurting. Can I hear Chad's voice because I'm hallucinating? After that night, we didn't get to meet each other again because he didn't asked for my number. Ajujuju!

"Eya?! Oh Eya! It's you!"

Why does he know my name? Who even is this person infront of me? My god, the world is still spinning, I feel dizzy. Why does it feel like there's hot liquid that's coming out from my nose? I slowly put my finger underneath my nose, why is it wet? It this blood? My nose is bleeding!

"Peppy? Are you okay? I'll bring you to the clinic!"

It suddenly felt like someone was carrying me bridal style. This person that's carrying me smells really good, kinda sweaty but the good kind! Ayy! The ball really hit me hard, what am I even saying.

I didn't know what happened afterwards, my vision went to black. When I woke up, I was at the clinic in Willford. I slowly tried sitting up and touched underneat my nose but there were no blood anymore. I looked around me but I didn't see anyone else but the nurse writing something on her table. When she noticed that I was awake, she said that it's up to be if I wanted to go home since the bell rang a long time ago. I nodded and said my thanks to her and went back to my classroom to get my belongings. There's no one there anymore, they all went home.

"Was it really Chad? Or maybe someone that just sounds like him?"

I started talking to myself while walking down the hallway, there's no one in the hallways now anyways so I won't look crazy even if I talked to myself. I was wondering who was the guy that sent me to the clinic earlier, I couldn't see his face because my vision was blurry from the ball's impact.

"Ouch, my nose is already flat but I think it became even flatter from getting hit by the ball."

I held my nose, it's still slightly painful.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!"

While I was massaging my nose and having deep thoughts, I didn't remember that there were three steps at the end of the hallway. And because of that, I tripped and my face hit the cement. Oww... My face has been beaten a lot today huh!

"What badluck do I have."

I complained while I slowly got up from falling. I looked around me and phew! It's a good thing no one was around, no one saw me kiss the floor.

Okay, I'm just kidding. Someone saw me.

"Hahaha! Not just ugly, but you're also weak!"

I heard someone laughing from my back so I looked behind me to see a really handsome guy. He has a fair skin and his teeth are all even. And his lips are even red and very kissable. Then he has prominent and broad cheekbones, developed brows, and chiseled jawlines that is awesomely super masculine. His face looks so good, there aren't any spot of pimples or blackheads. Is he immune to pimples? His nose is even high bridge!

Cross Sandford, the student council president and also very famous around the campus! The model for Bench! Ok, I'm not one of his fans like the girls from earlier but this is my first time to see him up close. And only now do I believe that what people say is true, he's very attractive and has strong charisma! I'm gonna have another nosebleed at this point.

"If you list all of my physical attributes at your brain one by one, you might find the definition of perfect. Okay, I'll be going first. I still have a shooting for Bench. Next time, stop drooling around when you're walking on the hallway so you don't trip and look like an idiot."

He laughed again and walked right pass me. I was left staring there. And wait, what did he just say? How egotistical! Typical rich handsome guy! I want to kamehamewave him! How annoying!

Dear diary,

Today, I tripped at the hallway but it's okay because no one saw me.

- Eya

P.S. Just kidding, I was seen and laughed at by my schoolmate that's a Bench model, Cross Sandford. 



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Diary of an Ugly Girl - Chapter 4 Part 5

Italic letters when characters are speaking means it's in English, ** words are onomatopoeia. Do let me know if I should keep on doing ...